Caspar Community Board Goals :: 1999-2000
1.Continue working toward acquiring the Caspar Cattle Company lands with the object of preserving the headlands and other areas as public open space and developing the rest of the land in line with a hundred year sustainable plan.
Objective #1Negotiate an option or pre-purchase agreement with landowner.
Objective #2Have the property appraised.
Objective #3Begin strategic planning to leverage the resources of partners into an offer to purchase.
Objective #4Secure county support for our efforts to secure flinding from governmental and other funding sources and to negotiate asuccessful transfer of control with the Caspar Cattle Company.
Objective #5Acquire the Duck Pond property.
Objective #6Secure affirmative assurance from Caspar Cattle Company that we are proceeding together toward an orderly transfer of company control to the Caspar Community.
2.Complete the Caspar Community nonprofit, 501(c)(3) status by December 31, 1999.
3.Continue to build and sustain partnerships with local and state government, organizations and individuals that share or flirther our vision.
Objective #1Explore connections with new groups and foundations that share our interest that might be of assistance in meeting our goals or flirthering our vision.
Objective #2Continue to build and maintain existing partnerships.
Objective #3Explore the County's interest in partnering with the community as sponsors of a county park and preserve. This preserve might include Caspar watershed lands removed from Jackson State Demonstration Forest, or placed by JSDF into a preserve coadministered by Caspar Community, the County, and JSDF.
Objective #4Network with other organizations carrying out the work of preservation and community enhancement. Share our findings, and learn from others. Cooperate closely with "sister"organizations like the Recreation and Park District, the Mendocino Land Trust, California State Parks. Learn more about the unique needs of Caspar' 5 land and life-forms, as well as their interdependence with neighboring land, life-forms, and agencies.
4.Continue to raise flinds to support the goals and objectives of the Caspar Community.
Objective #1Develop at least three funding proposals or grants for a minimum of $100,000.00.
Objective #2Continue fund raising campaign locally through pledges, donations and events.
Objective #3Formulate a business plan for funding the preserve and its' support enterprises, and begin seeking investors. Determine interrelationships between for-profit enterprises and mutual benefit entities.
Objective #4Board Members will support the efforts of any and all committees and each other to achieve our goals.
5.Build a strong sense of community through consistent outreach, working for consensus, and recognition of all supporters.
Objective #1Public outreach through high-quality, organized quarterly newsletter, press releases, interviews, monthly community meetings, and periodic events.
Objective #2Working toward building consensus, strengthening our neighborhoods, practicing stewardship, and having fun together as a community.
Objective #3Explore the possibility of a Community Center building.
Objective #4Undertake community-service projects such as maintenance of the beach, cemetery, and duck-pond kiosk and a workshop in community betterment (gorse and eucalyptus abatement).
Objective #5Continue developing Caspar's sense of itself through workshops, community-service projects, shared activities, and other community-building activities.
6.Rezone Caspar in line with the community plan.
Objective #1Reach final determination of which Caspar Cattle Company parcels are to be dedicated as Preserve, and which may be developed.
Objective #2Rezone Caspar in line with community plan. Begin by reviewing existing planning. The process might involve a Planned Development Overlay Zone, a Specific Plan, or a Town Plan. in addition it will entail moving Certificates of Compliance from Preserve parcels to developable areas which will probably require an amendment to the Local Coastal Plan and/or the General Plan. This will also involve negotiations with present property-holders in developing a comprehensive land-use vision for Caspar's next hundred years.
Objective #3Open the conversation with Building and Planning Department about appropriate forward looking standards for sustainable building in the Caspar planning area.
Objective #4Update Caspar's Local Coastal Plan. Make sure that in the interim no adverse development takes place.
Objective #5Begin extending the influence of the Caspar Community rezoning and replanning effort to include "Greater Caspar".
7.Form a Community Services District.
Objective #1Enlist County support, help and advice in navigating through the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) process on our way to forming a Community Services District.
8.Begin to establish a framework that will carry Caspar into the twenty first century.
Objective #1Start gathering endowments for the Caspar Community and Preserve that will carry its work forward.
9.Celebrate our accomplishments, have fun, improve, enjoy neighborliness, and build trust. Care for, preserve, and enhance all alike in Caspar. Recognize all contributions and look forward at least a hundred years. Keep our vision broad. Undertake projects in an orderly manner, with all deliberate speed. Build our team skills, interdependence, sense of shared community, and stature in the greater universe of like-minded organizations.

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posted 22 November 2000 (Goodbye, John) 15:08 Caspar (Pacific) time : : printed with 100% recycled electrons!