Caspar Community Steering Committee Meeting minutes : : 22 May 1998 meeting

Meridian, Vince, Judy, Ken, Mike, Michael, Patty at Patty's. Joe Curren facilitating.
     We shared our wishes for today's meeting and Caspar over-all.

     Agenda items:

     items postponed until next meeting

     Mission: proposed statement: "to preserve and enhance the quality of all life in Caspar"
     Structure: after some discussion, Patty and Meridian agreed to draft some proposed by-laws; they will report back at the next steering committee meeting.
     Open Process: after some discussion, it was agreed that the deliberations of the Steering Committee were NOT public, but would be subject to provisions in the by-laws.
     CEO: Patty suggested a different title, Community Coordinator, working for the Steering Committee. Mike suggest the title and responsibilities be defined by subcommittee. After some discussion, this idea was approved, and a subcommittee of Vince, Mike, and Judy agreed to report back.
     Budget: Patty proposed that we raise $100,000. Vince observed that we have $20,000 pledged already. Meridian suggested we declare a goal of $1,000,000, get $100,000 in 60 days, and have $30,000 in hand at the 14 June Community Meeting. Mike noted that pledges don't need to be brought in all at once, but as needed, and counseled that the funds be kept in lines with the objectives, as large amounts can be scary. Judy raised the question whether this money is donation or investment. Patty responded that there is room in the work for both, but $100,000 works for the immediate task. Michael suggested the $100,000 be for the non-profit work, and plan on raising much more for the profit sector of the enterprise. Vince recommends keeping the first request modest, and make it handily. Patty guessed we can raise the $100,00 quickly; she proposed a community thermometer to help build enthusiasm. Judy observed that an appeal needs to be backed up with a real budget. Michael recommended we not associate amounts with contributors. Patty proposed soliciting pledges toward a significant down payment on the land as a separate effort; we might be able to do the whole deal as a non-profit, and volunteered for the budget subcommittee. Judy and Ken joined her, and will report their deliberations at the next steering committee meeting.
     Hester Group: after some discussion it was agreed that Judy would ask Randy for a more concrete proposal, to be considered at the next meeting.
     The next meeting will be next Friday, 29 May at Mike Dell'Ara's, 15300 Seadrift.

respectfully submitted by Michael Potts.

previous meeting's minutes : next meeting's minutes

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