One lamentably inadequate use map

The development committee met on 14 September, and, starting from the premise that some development is inevitable, arrived at a VERY rough consensus about how the Caspar Cattle Company lands might be developed without damaging the quality of life in Caspar. The most EXTENSIVE vision of development -- the maximum tolerable development -- was agreed on, but without much satisfaction on anyone's part. We all agreed that NO DEVELOPMENT was really our favorite plan, and that the basic premise might not be true.
   Or at least we would like to think that.
   The map which follows is a synthesis of the ideas put forward at the meeting. After the meeting we walked the lower parts of the land (west of the highway) and agreed that this vision of the plan MIGHT be acceptable after considerably more input.


   Nobody's map agreed with anybody else's in every particular, and after sharing this map with quite a few people, I come away frustrated. I conclude that this map represent's NO ONE's wishes ...but in the forlorn hope that it may serve as a place to start discussions, here it is.

-- Michael

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