Caspar Community Steering Committee Meeting :: 15 January 1999

Judy, Mike, Michael, Peter, Vince, Ken, Patty, Mary, and Pat at the Community Office. A planned 3-hour meeting.

I. Budget
     A. Caspar Coordinator, Pat Ackley, passed out a copy of the Proposed Budget. The Budget will go to the Finance Committee for review.
     B. An Events Budget was proposed by Michael Potts. There is $2,000 from the Gorse Festival revenue that could be appropriated--and, if successful, we shouldn't need to spend it. Another Finance Committee item.

II. E-mail
     A discussion about the role of E-mail and communication methods was held. Members agreed to be more conscious of how they use Email, telephone, etc.

III. Committee Reports
Some Members participated in an informal discussion on 1/14 and reported to us that they we need strategy and time schedule to acquire the land. For this to take place, according to the group that met, a formal land use plan needs to be in place. Michael Potts shared copies of a Draft Land Use Plan Map.
The Traffic Committee met at Sunshine Taylor's studio on 1/12 from 4:30 to 5:45 PM. There were at least 5 local residents attending that do not sit on the Steering Committee. Topics included: volume of traffic, speed, parking, and signs/speed limits, exit/enterance design, traffic calming measures, etc. Calls will be made to CalTrans, the County, and Patti Campbell. We will try to get the stop sign replaced at Caspar St. and Caspar Rd. Vince Taylor suggested that the SC not dominate the committee, so that people will have a chance to speak up about Caspar. One representative from the SC was suggested.

IV. Events

V. Other Business
     Ken Clark brought up issues regarding the role and process of the Steering Committee. Michael Potts clarified the purpose of the informal meeting of 1/14 Vince Taylor commented that the acquisition discussion at last Friday's mtg. felt like a shift into action.

Meeting adjourned at 12:30

respectfully submitted by Patty Madigan

[SC 1/8] previous meeting's minutes : [SC 1/22] next meeting's minutes

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: : posted 23 January 1999 : 16:04 Caspar (Pacific) time : : printed with 100% recycled electrons!